
Snap install ffmpeg
Snap install ffmpeg

snap install ffmpeg

I would go so far as to say that I would happily pay for your version (with working vid thumbs of course) if I found it somewhere else. If I had known, I would not have used the snap in the first place, and saved myself a ton of headache with all the work required to migrate to another setup.įinally, I would like to say that I greatly value all the work you have done for this project which really, really simplifies the installation and updating process of Nextcloud, and makes a self-hosted Nextcloud a possibility for a much larger group than the original version appeals to.

snap install ffmpeg

However, and to be fair to your users, I think you should warn your users that this basic functionality will not be available in the snap version. As I (also) don't have the time, I will take your advice and use another version. You are also correct in saying that if I want a functionality, I should add it. For me, thumbs for vids is a basic necessity. Then I had to move all my stuff somewhere else, delete the snap and re-install the regular version so nextcloud could work as it should. I was frustrated that, after having fumbled for days trying to fix it, I finally discover it is un-fixable. Yes, it was a bit uncharitable and I apologize. If you also don't have time, then you'll need to install Nextcloud in another way. If this is a feature you require and you want to use the snap, feel free to add it. We all have a different definition of "working right", which is just part of using software.

snap install ffmpeg

That's a rather uncharitable attitude toward the vast amount of time I and others have dedicated to this project over the years. If it doesn't work right, there is really no point in this project at all.

Snap install ffmpeg